
Tuesday, July 31, 2007


ASCII ART? It's an image that is made up of keyboard characters. Sometimes it's as simple as a 'email sig' or an emoticon :) But in the case of it's a portrait of a person. With an average of 80,000+ keyboard characters. There's a lot happening there, so you might have to move AWAY from the screen to be able to see the detail.

Comparative CyberLexicon: English-Spanish
Compilation of English terminology peculiar to computer culture and technology and its equivalents in Spanish. Terminology here is used in its broadest sense, covering words, idioms, expressions, acronyms and abbreviations describing a variety of things, actions, concepts, activities, organizations, behaviours and experiences. Links to glossaries and dictionaries.

Ghost Sites: Where Dead Web Sites Live On
Online graveyard of dead websites. Features .jpg images of defunct sites.

Jargon File Resources
This page indexes all the WWW resources associated with the Jargon File and its print version, The New Hacker's Dictionary. It's as official as anything associated with the Jargon File gets. The Jargon File has been known as the lexicon of esoteric hackerly words and phrases since at least 1991. The site also includes the history and folklore of hackers. It has a searchable database for jargon terms and also has links to pages that have other versions of search engines to search the text. You can also download the entire text as a compressed gzip file.

Privacy in the Digital Age
Numerous articles from the archives of The New York Times regarding privacy and the Internet, including children's privacy and PGP encryption. Also has links to external documents and Websites. (Registration required.)